Thoughts on the School Year

October 6, 2018

     Greetings! (I'm still figuring out the whole hello thing.) I apologize for my long hiatus. Initially I wanted this blog to be a summer thing, but now I'll be posting at least once a month.
Now that school is in full swing, and that I'm starting to enter 8th grade, I've realized some important things. I'll list them down below:
  1. Popularity isn't what it seems.
     In 6th grade, I wanted to be popular. I think everyone did, to a certain extent. I'm pretty sure that everyone secretly craved the feeling of being well known among peers and classmates, and the feeling of being recognized. But now, as I'm older (and hopefully wiser) I've discovered that being popular isn't what it seems. All too many times I've seen people change who they are simply because they want to be popular. And in the process, they lose themselves. You should always be yourself, because you're original and unique. 

  2. Friends will change.

     I've had a few of my "friends" become ex-friends (I'm not sure what the exact term is, but that seems appropriate) in middle school. To this day I'm not sure why they decided to stop being my friends (maybe it was the number of webtoons I was subscribed to, but I'm not sure) or how they changed this drastically. The good thing is, you'll find your true friends, the ones that stick by you. I've also met tons of new friends in middle school.

  3. Don't be afraid to try.

     I know this is one of the sayings where it's easier said than done, but if you take chances and try out, apply for clubs or activities, you won't regret it. Exhibit A: In 6th grade I kept thinking I sucked at clarinet, and consequently didn't try out for Symphonic Band. I should have done the audition, because I got into Wind Ensemble in 8th grade. Not to mention, I had to endure a year of Concert Band, nicknamed Cancer Band by Dennis. It lived up to its name. 
     This was a pretty sappy and motivational and cheesy post. However, I'll be posting more in the near future about school and the like.

Thanks for reading!


  1. "Cancer Band" might have been the most accurate thing I've said in my life.


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