Review: The Surely Simple Guide to Brush Lettering

April 3, 2018

     Hi guys! Today I tried out a guide to brush lettering, created by Aaria Baid over at Surely Simple. It featured a lowercase alphabet, as well as a set of helpful exercises to practice.
      She even made a beautiful cover page. Just look at the way the letters flow and connect with each other! 
The cover page is so beautiful, it deserves to be framed.
     She includes 9 easy and quick exercises for beginners like me. They focus on the basics of hand lettering, such as upstrokes, downstrokes, underturns, overturns, and compound curves. The compound curves and oval curves especially help with applying pressure.

This is the set of exercises that I started with.
     I tried the guide out twice, doing the exercises and moving on to the guide. I recommend doing the exercises to practice because they're the hand equivalent of warm ups. Obviously, you don't have to use the same guide as I did, but I chose Aaria Baid's style because it was easy, elegant, and fun to do. 

An example of the alphabet in marker.
     I also scoured the web for a blank printable template I could use to practice. You can use any template you need to, but I chose to use Caitlin's at Brahmin Lettering Co. The templates are slanted, making it a bit easier to write. However, for some of the more space-hogging letters, such as m and x, I had to just squeeze them in wherever there was space. 
     I'll include both the link to the guide and blank template below. 

Thanks for reading!
